Sunday, June 27, 2010

Motorcyle GPS - The Hottest Motorcycle Accessory On The Planet

Do you ride a motorcycle? Get lost sometimes? A Garmin GPS motorcycle navigation system, or perhaps a Tom Tom GPS motorcycle navigation unit, can take the strain out of motorcycle navigation.

But firstly, what is GPS motorcycle navigation, and secondly what can it do for you?

GPS, or Global Positioning System technology, allows a motorbike rider, by the use of multiple satellite signal cross referencing, to pinpoint their exact location on the globe with extraordinary accuracy. This, combined with modern mapping software, means that owners of motorcyle GPS systems can use these technologies to produce the most accurate, easy to use and user friendly navigation system that has ever been available to motorcycle riders, or anyone.

Mount a modern motorcycle GPS system onto your motorbike and you have available a total navigation system. All maps are loaded into the unit, and once you have planned your route and told your GPS where you want it to take you and your bike, your GPS will tell you, both visually and by voice command, exactly how to get there. Modern GPS, such as the Garmin GPS motorcyle system or the Tom Tom Rider GPS units, will plan your route according to predetermined requirements, such as fuel stops, accomodation stops and points of interest. They will show you and tell you every turn you need to make along the way to get there easily.

Like to avoid traffic jams? Modern GPS can also be asked to notify you of real time traffic information. Traffic jam ahead of you? Your motorcycle GPS navigation can let you know and determine the best way around the problem.

And all this can be routed by voice command direct to an earpiece in your helmet via bluetooth technology. No need to take your eyes off the road risking accident by looking at your GPS screen, just allow it to tell you where to go all by itself.

Like to make a hands free phone call along the way? No problem. Perhaps load your motorcycle GPS with a few music files so you can relax and listen on the road? No problem. Want to record your ride for future reference, or to share with your friends? No problem. All this, and lots more, can be done with a modern motorcyle GPS navigator, at a cost of less than $1000. Units such as the Garmin GPS motorcyle navigation systems or the Tomtom GPS units can do all this and lots more.

Garmin GPS navigation systems like the Zumo 450 or it's big brother the Zumo 550 are specifically designed for motorcycle mounting. Vibration resistant and user friendly for easy screen viewing, they have been specifically designed with the motorcyclist in mind.

Or perhaps the Tom Tom Rider GPS navigator. Again, designed specifically for the motorbike rider. Waterproof, sunshield to minimize glare and easy to mount on the handlebars, a Tom Tom will make navigation for your ride a pleasure.

So if you'd like a total navigation solution for a long ride on a cold day, when you don't want to be stopping all the time to consult the map, consider a modern motorcycle GPS like the Garmin GPS motorcycle navigation systems or the Tom Tom Riders. You will never regret it.

For a website totally devoted to Motorcycle GPS visit Peter's Website Hot Motorcycle GPS Deals and find out about Motorcycle GPS as well as Garmin GPS Motorcycle Navigation and more, including Tom Tom Rider navigation systems and motorcycle GPS videos.

Article Source:

Girls Also Want to Ride Motorcycles

During these days motorcycles are considered as one of the most modern and common modes of transportation. In the early days it was famous only among men. But now-a-days girls are also interested in this trendy vehicle and are widely using it.

The woman's physical structure is totally different from a man, so a female should select a motorbike which will suit her. For example, mostly females have forward driving posture because of the lower center of gravity and less upper body weight. The modern motorcycle manufacturers have made very good and suitable motorcycles especially for girls. Mostly women bikes come with dropped handlebars which are easy to handle and provides a comfortable ride. The seats of motorcycles are specially designed for women riders.

Considering the fact that motorcycles are becoming more and more common amongst girls, a number of models and brands of motorcycles are introduced in the market. The women motorcycles have few models as compared to the men model motorcycles. Motorbikes that are commonly used by women are lighter versions of the men model. The women bikes are also very stylish and come in different colors. A wide variety of motorcycle accessories are available for girls in the markets such as gloves, boots, leather jackets etc.

There different organizations and clubs of girls who drive motorcycles. These clubs organize different kinds of rallies and races for girls. One of the most popular events organized in America is on Dayton Beach of Florida. This bike rally starts back in the 1930s. This bike rally is organized every year. The girls from all over the world participate in this rally.

Riding motorcycle is an ultimate fashion for the girls. Most motorcycle magazines and websites have motorcycle girls on their pages. In the modern world it is a passion of girls to drive motorcycles. They want to go on long road trips. They also want to enjoy the ride of the motorcycle.
Article Source:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How to Choose a Motorcycle Helmet

The most important safety motorcycle gear is the helmet. It protects the head of the rider during a crash. Many survived an accident because their helmets are on. However, more could have lived if they were only wearing their helmets.

Since this gear is very important, it is only right that you know how to choose the right helmet that suit you best. Just like choosing leather motorcycle chaps and other motorcycle gears, you have to consider several factors when purchasing a helmet. Here are the steps you can take:

1. The first thing that you need to do is to look for various manufacturers to compare reviews. There are many helmets available in the market today. You can start looking at online stores and read reviews from the users. This will give you an idea of which product is good and which is not.

2. Find the right size. Size is very important in any type of motorcycle gear. This is essential for your comfort. Wearing the right size is also important in protecting you in the case of a crash. If it is too small for you, it will feel uncomfortable. Certain portions of your head, ears, and chin will feel pain. Loose helmets are not helpful as well. They move around as you ride. If it is the right fit, you will feel more comfortable. You will feel protected.

3. Choose those with bright colors and reflective materials. One of the major causes of motorcycle accidents is that other motorists fail to see the riders. One way of enhancing visibility is that riders wear highly visible gears. Other drivers can easily spot those gears with bright colors and reflective materials. Make this an important consideration.

4. Check the helmet for damaged parts. Expensive helmets do not mean that they are free of damage. Make sure that you check everything before you shell out some cash. See to it that there is no crack. The straps should be able to hold the device in place. The padding should be intact as well.

5. Check for Snell approval. The Snell Memorial Foundation is a non-profit organization. They test helmets to ensure that they provide safety. They have done some researches and developed standards to ensure that the helmets are in top shape. If the helmet carries their seal, you can be sure of its high quality.

Motorcycle gears are very important. They keep the riders safe and comfortable during the ride. Aside from the helmets, a rider needs gears like the leather motorcycle chaps, gloves, boots, and jackets. You have to choose everything carefully. When picking the right gear, you need to know your basis. You cannot base your choice on looks alone. You have to check everything. Most importantly, you have to try it on to make sure that it fits you well.

Choosing the right helmet is essential in keeping you safe during a trip. If you choose the wrong helmet, you are going to put yourself to more risk.

For more tips and information about leather motorcycle chaps, please check out

Article Source:

Motorcycle Touring Jackets

While not a fashion statement on its own, the motorcycle touring jacket encompasses all styles, and is designed for the long haul with the comfort and protection of the rider as the first and foremost priority.

As such, you will find traditional touring jackets, touring scooter jackets, cruiser styles, and even well armored racing style jackets all made from the finest of leathers and the best craftsmanship.

The touring jacket concept assumes that the rider will be spending long hours on the road, perhaps up to eight or more, and rightly deserves to be as comfortable as possible. Being exposed to the elements for such lengthy stretches of time also necessitates the use of the best of material for comfort and safety. For these reasons, a good leather touring jacket will usually be offered in full grain naked buffalo or cowhide, and can reach thicknesses of up to 1.5mm.

The importance of a good, thick leather jacket cannot be overemphasized in the case of an unintended slide across an asphalt road, and for safety reasons, touring jackets will often be offered with a matching pair of chaps. Because of the quality of design and material used, a good touring jacket will obviously be on the high end of the price range, and will often be adorned with braiding, Conchos and other forms of decorative craftsmanship.

Of course, the individual tourer has all the options available with all styles of motorcycle jackets, and can choose according to the conditions the rider expects to be touring in. It is a given that any upper range touring jacket will start with a zip out lining, so choose a jacket with plenty of vents for warmer climate, side laces and neck warmers for colder ones.

For your comfort and protection, many modern day touring jackets offer removable protectors at the shoulders and elbows. Look for the CE approval. Some styles even offer a built in kidney belt, a welcomed addition by anyone spending long hours on a bike.

Ease of movement is also addressed by the addition of stretch panels under the arms and/or sides. Also look for stretch material in your touring chaps or pants. Sudden movements and quick reaction to events on the road should not be impeded by your touring apparel.

Just as any style of motorcycle jacket can be called a touring jacket, so can they be offered in lesser grades of leather such as top grain, or even the soft light weight leathers of lambskin, sheep or goat. For the non rider that just likes the look, this is fine. For the biker that makes shorter trips, or only rides sporadically but likes a particular touring jacket style, the less expensive top grains of buffalo and cow are also perfectly suitable.

Bikers that spend long hours on the road, whether for business or pleasure, out of choice, or necessity, should seriously consider the higher grade naked leather touring motorcycle jackets and apparel. Consider them essential pieces of your motorcycle safety gear. Don't skimp on your leathers, they could some day save your hide!

Many factors come into consideration when pondering the purchase of a new motorcycle jacket. The purpose of a motorcycle jacket is utilitarian as well as style. The fashion industry has taken the demands of the biker community and come up with a set of styles suitable in general to all, and specifically designed for the kind of riding you do.

The choice is up to you. Find the style that fits your riding, determine the material best suited for you, then add or subtract the vents, laces, pockets and belts. After that, its all about the look, so by all means, be as cool as you can be!

Michael Talbert is the creator, owner, and operator of Biker Leather Ltd., an online retailer of fine leather and textile motorcycle jackets, chaps, leather vests and biker accessories. Visit the website at

Article Source:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Riding the CO9 - US6 Loop

Father's Day dawned cool and sunny here in Colorado.  After a sumptuous breakfast and Father's Day greetings from my sons, I left the house set for a daylong ride, my now traditional Father's Day present along with a couple of cool books I'll bring up in later articles.

Note: This posting is also located on So what's the difference? I get paid per # of hits on that site, so if you feel like helping my fuel budget, read the article there instead: LINK, Thanks! 

I rode out of the Denver Metro area on US285 and stayed on this fast moving two lane highway (for the most part) until I left the city's traffic behind and enjoyed the cool ride out to Kenosha Pass (10,000 ft).  Cruising right past the sign at the pass, I was soon plunging down to the valley below (Colorado Basin) where the towns of Jefferson, South Park and Fairplay reside.  The winds really picked up at this point and had to go into my "dances with the winds" mode to stay on the road!  I climbed out of the valley through Red Hill Pass (9,993 ft) and I was glad to see the turnoff for Colorado State Rd 9 or CO9 at Fairplay, which I took north towards Breckenridge which was 23 miles away.

Climbing steadily from Fairplay I arrived at the small town of Alma (highest incorporated town in US) where I stopped to don my jacket liner and heavier gloves, I soon had to stop for this shot just shy of Hoosier Pass:

Just to the south of Hoosier Pass

Continuing on, I saw a turnoff for Park County Rd 4 which looked interesting.  I got on this dirt road and slowly rode along until I came to Montgomery Reservoir.  It's a nice little reservoir where I found families fishing and enjoying the view:

At Montgomery Reservoir on Park County Rd 4

The small dam which created Montgomery Reservoir

One last look at the view at Montgomery Reservoir

Getting back on CO9, I transited through Hoosier Pass (11,542 ft), negotiated several tight hairpin turns down to this point where I usually stop to pose the motorcycle I am riding.

I continued on CO9 until reached the town of Breckenridge (9600 ft), one of the several major ski resorts in the state.  The mountainsides looked nice and green, with the ski runs covered in grass.  I wandered through Breckenridge, foregoing the temptation to go down Boreas Pass Rd.  I got to Frisco (9075 ft)  and near the vicinity of the I-70 super slab when I spotted a promising road.  This road is Swan Mountain Road and it takes one up into the hillsides near Frisco and Dillon (9111 ft).

This very nice mountain road takes you around Dillon Reservoir and soon you come upon a magnificent sight of cliff-side houses overlooking Dillon Bay:

Pretty nice bay huh?  Specially since it's at above 9000 ft above sea level!

Dillon Bay

I took Swan Road until it junctions with US6, the plan at this point to go see Loveland Pass (11,90 ft) on the way home.  As I left the Dillon area, the sight of these mountain peaks caused me to pause and try and capture the majestic peaks I saw:

Continuing on US6, I soon came upon another of Colorado's major ski resorts, this one was Arapahoe Basin(13,050 ft) which is located close by to Keystone Ski Resort  (9173 ft) and the town thereof.

Continuing to climb on US6, I stopped once again for this last show of A-Basin, the nickname for Arapahoe Basin Ski Resort.

Eastbound US6 is a nicely climbing, gently curving road with mountain scenery aplenty.  However, it's got no guard rails so it pays to keep a close eye on the road as you catch glimpses of the nearby mountain peaks.

Some of the majestic mountain peaks visible from US6

Near the summit of Loveland Pass on US6

I finally got to the summit of Loveland Pass, there was open space near the Forest Service sign and so I stopped Brigitta nearby and got this shot.

Loveland Pass

I rode down a bit from the summit and turned Brigitta around and parked her at the same spot (more or less) where I had parked Natasha the last time I was up at Loveland Pass this past winter:

January 20, looking towards Loveland Pass

June 20, looking towards Loveland Pass

Views from just below the summit of Loveland Pass, a couple of minutes before one gets to the treeline

I made my way down from Loveland Pass, and endured the usual frenzied Sunday afternoon rush from the mountains until I got to Georgetown where I exited to get fuel.  From Georgetown, I managed to stay on frontage roads past Idaho Springs

I stayed on US40 which is a winding two lane road all the way to Genesee Park where I once again jumped on the I-70 slab for a couple of miles till I could get on the turnoff/death merge exit for US6/US40.  From this point on I basically had the two lane road all to myself until I got back to the Denver Metro area's vicinity.

I used CO93 to cut south towards the town of Morrison and from there it was Morrison Rd to Kipling Blvd to US285 once again.  Traffic in the city was not bad for a Sunday afternoon and soon I was taking the I-25 exit south to I-225 and from there, Parker Rd to my home neighborhoods.

I covered 259 miles today, including 4 mountain passes, in about 8 hrs of saddle time, a pretty good day's worth of riding.  I managed to beat the incoming weather home and Brigitta performed great.  What more could I ask from a Father's Day ride?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Price and Specifications of Yamaha Xeon

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new mio 125 xeon 2010
Price and Specifications of Yamaha Xeon
Price and Specifications of Yamaha Xeon
Type 4 Step, SOHC, Liquid Cooled
Volume of 124 cc Cylinder
Number / Position Cylinder Single Cylinder / Horizontal
Diameter x Stroke 52.4 x 57.9 mm
Comparison of Compression 10.9: 1
Wet Lubrication
Fuel System Mikuni BS 26 x 1
Ignition System DC C.D.I
Battery 12V, 3.5Ah / YTZ5S
C6HSA spark plugs (NGK) / U20FS-U (DENSO)
Starter System Electric & Kick Starter
The tank capacity 4.1 Liter
Total Engine Oil Capacity 0.9 Liter, 0.8 Liter Periodic
CVT Automatic Transmission
Clutch Type Dry, Centrifugal Clutch
Maximum power of 8.05 kW / 8500 rpm
Maximum torque 10.1 Nm / 7000 rpm
Steel Pipe Type
Suspension Front Telescopic
Rear Suspension Swing Arm, Single Suspension
Front Disc Brakes
Rear Brake Tromol
Front Wheel Size 70/90 - 14M / C 34P
Rear Wheel Size 80/90 - 14M / C 40P

Length 1850 mm
Width 685 mm
Height 1060 mm
Seat Height 750 mm
wheelbase 1250 mm
Lowest distance of 125 mm to Land
Fill Weight 103 kg

Price: IDR.15.5 million

Motorcycle 170cc Honda Supra FU Modified

Motorcycle 170cc Honda Supra FU Modified
Modifikasi Honda Supra
Modifikasi Honda Supra
Modifikasi Honda Supra FU 170cc
Motorcycle 170cc Honda Supra FU Modified
contest motorbike can make best modification art at honda supra FU.

Honda GL WIN Modification Trail

honda gl win trail
honda gl win modification trail
Want to Win Honda modification? It turns out this one type of Honda may be modified, including a trail of cool shapes. This is one example.
Honda GL WIN Modification Trail
Basic: Win a 1984 Honda
Standard order
Standard engine oversized 100
front & disc brakes Blk
Exhaust modification
DPN 275/21 tires, rims Suzuki TS
Blk 300/18 tires, rims Suzuki TS
front Shock + 12cm Megapro
back Shock Satria
Swingarm standard + modifications
source: forumotomotif