Saturday, June 7, 2008

Visiting Maria at the dealer's "awaiting repairs" lot

I went to see Maria today, she's waiting for the insurance agency's inspection this coming week to see if she's fixable and at what cost. Kind of depressing to see her in the lot like this:

I took her top case off and used it to hold all the stuff I carry both under her pillion seat and in the "glove compartment". Man, I carry a lot of stuff. This is probably a good time to review why I carry this stuff around with me.

I put the damaged right side system case back on for the insurance agent's review, I think it only needs to have the lid replaced:

Road Rash City

This lid is toast

Here's some more shots of the areas which took the brunt of the sliding on pavement:

The mirror mounting studs are "ground down", note the fused plastic on the fairing

The right side mirror housing, toast...amazingly the mirror itself is fine

Finally, some closeup shots of the right side valve cover:

Not much else to say for today, guess I'll go get myself a drink for "medicinal" purposes.

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