Sunday, July 6, 2008

Mirror Image and the Bronco Statue at DIA

After a dissapointing day yesterday wasted at the dealer in a vain attempt to get Maria back, the only riding I did was to run an errand at one of the data centers that I work at on a regular basis.

I did scout out some locations for a photo topic sponsored by the BMW Motorcycle Owners Association. They change the theme every month or so, this time they wanted us to submit pictures with the "Mirror Image" theme. So in the late evening I wandered about the Denver Tech Center area looking for a suitable location by some glass-sided building to possibly take pictures of Brigitta against. No luck.

This morning, I took off riding before 0800am and tried one more location before ending up at the BMW of Denver dealer's building that has glass windows/walls reaching down to the ground. Perfect.

They were closed today so I had no problem sidling right up to the side of the building. These are the pictures I submitted today for the BMWMOA photo topic:

After the dealer, I wandered over to the west side of Denver via the I-25/I-70 slabs to CO58 which took me to CO93 north. I was looking for the sign for Left Hand Canyon Road but I guess it's off some other road.

Pretty soon I was in Boulder's city limits and the roads were crap. They were in the same condition as the western side of the Eisenhower Tunnel; deeply grooved, pockmarked in preparation for resurfacing! Aaarrrgghh! I endured these scary condition for less than a mile and turned off as soon as I could.

I took Broadway until I could get onto southbound US36, so much for a canyon ride today.

Since I was now heading eastward, I took I-70 to Pena boulevard and Denver International Airport. They've recently put up a large blue-ish statue of the Denver Broncos mascot. It's quite eye-catching as you near the airport and it's eyes are red lights giving it a fierce and slightly evil look in my opinion.

I wandered near the status scouting a good spot for pictures. Turned out my first choice worked best, even though I did spot the access road that would have put me at the base of the statue. I figured going into that restricted area though would have not put me in good graces with the DIA security folks.

You can see DIA's Jeppesen Terminals unique white roof in the background

Kind of a funky blue, don't you think?

I submitted the horse pics to and while they did crop Brigitta out of the pictures, they did allow a link to this blog so its all good: LINK to posting.

It was nearing noon by now and I headed home as the heat of the day started building up. It was pretty cool throughout my ride and certainly more enjoyable to ride in than the afternoon hot weather of late.

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