Friday, November 14, 2008

First Snow, Fall 2008

We in the Denver Metro area woke to about an inch of snow on the ground and roads around us. There was still a light snow falling until about 0830 or so with occasional flurries for a short while afterwards.

I elected to work from home in the morning, glad to have a job that has that flexibility. The first snow of Fall 2008 really did not amount too much at its height. It took me less than 30 minutes to clear my driveway/sidewalks and a path down the center of the cul-de-sac with just a snow shovel. The time has not come yet to break out the snow blower! : )


The sun came out in force soon after 0900hrs and continued throughout the morning to melt away the snow from the roads if not the grassy areas. By 1130 the cul-de-sac looked like this:


Around noon, I rode out on Maria to scout the roads. There were still numerous spots in the neighborhood area roads that were wet. No snow mind you, just wet. Maria's onboard thermometer was registering 32 degrees and so after only perhaps 4 miles of riding, I gave it up and rode back home to await some more drying of the roads.

I finished up work at around 1400 and set off again around 1415hrs. I rode for perhaps a bit over an hour, about 30 miles of backroads riding in sometimes windy conditions. Made it all the way to the town of Parker and back with no issues except for some mild chilling of my legs as I'd neglected to wear the windproof liner. The rest of me stayed warm enough as usual.

The snow had pretty much dissapeared and so I was too late to capture any nice snowy background shots for Maria to pose by. I did however see the gates open to the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds, I rode and got this shot of the water tower:

As you can see, not much snow remains even in the grassy areas. It had nearly all dissapeared from the eastern plains with only a pretty wicked southwesterly wind to keep my company.

Sitting now at my computer, a hot cuppa tea (yes, dave, PG Tips) helping to warm me up; I am glad of the short durations we usually see for snow remaining on the ground. This weekend, it's supposed to get into the low 50s, a veritable heatwave when compared to the mid-30s I was experiencing during today's riding.

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