Friday, August 7, 2009

Stopping to smell the flowers

Gorgeously sunny day today as I headed back to work around 10 AM, that's after a few hours of sleep after having worked all night doing network changes out at Denver International Airport for UAL.

When possible, I take the lonely county roads route pointed out to me by a co-worker at DIA. There's hardly ever any other vehicle on these two lane roads, which while not smoothly paved, are good enough to maintain speeds up to 70mph if needed.

Today I meandered on the way in, keeping Brigitta moving at a loping pace and just enjoying how the sun highlighted the patches of sunflowers alongside the roadway.

I've not had much luck finding a big open field full of large sunflowers to use as a background. Perhaps this weekend's riding will take me past one so I can give you such a shot.

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