Saturday, October 3, 2009

Seeking Fall Color at the DTC

Just had a couple of hours this morning for riding due to social obligations. So Miles, my #2 son, and I went off to the DTC or Denver Tech Center to seek out trees changing into their Fall Season colors. Temperatures were in the high 30s, low 40s but with the windshields on, no problem.

On the way there, we got UDF'ed. Yep, the Ural Delay Factor. I was sitting at the light at Parker and Arapahoe Road when the driver next to me yells out that he's got a Ural and can he talk to me.

We went through the light and I pulled over on the side of the road, the man pulled in behind us. We chat for a bit about Urals, how he's working on his carbs which are giving him trouble. I mention I'd recently cleared out mine. Both of us are seeking local mechanics and he says he's got "a line" on a possible candidate. I gave him my card, he'll contact me later on he said.

UDF over, we proceeded west on Arapahoe Road until we got to the DTC. We wandered about, me looking for last year's photo op spots since they have the trees with changing colors usually. There were, however, some new spots due to Natasha's ability to park where Brigitta cannot:

Miles asked me if we needed a permit to park on the grass, that's my son, law-abiding

We continued riding around the DTC area since it was a saturday so the parking lots were empty and we could pose Natasha pretty much at will.

This is the pedestrian overpass crossing over the I-25 slab south of Belleview

The entrance to a park near Quebec Rd and Orchard

Soon enough, it was time to return home and get ready for the BBQ we are invited to. I hope you enjoyed the shots, the peak colors should be here if not soon over in the mountains. I hope to be able to ride out there tomorrow to capture some more Fall colors.

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