Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mystery Track

Back when I was working a contract with United Airlines, I would spend a fair amount of time working out of their offices in the Denver International Airport or DIA.  I would take the back roads to get to and from work as it allowed for relaxed motorcycle riding and avoided the frenzied cagers on E-470 and Peña Boulevard which are the high speed slabs to get to the airport.

Near the junction of Monaghan Rd and East 26th Avenue, I'd spotted what looked like a narrow track, surrounded by an old fence, as I rode to and from work.  I'd stopped and ventured a bit nearer when I had time but ground conditions were not conducive to exploration.

Today, I was riding about on Natasha, my '96 Ural Sidecar Rig and decided to get in a bit closer to see if I could see a sign or something which explained the purpose of this track:

From Google maps, satellite view

As you look at the satellite picture above, I approached from the west or left side of the photo and turned south on that dirt trail that runs along the fenceline that encloses the track complex.  It's a very narrow track, I don't think its more than say six feet wide, so I doubt it was a go-kart racing track.    There is a small raised platform made of concrete near the entrance but that was it in terms of other structures.  Weird huh?

That's the only gate I found, it was open but the "no trespassing" signs stopped me as usual

Here's a view of the top NW corner of the "track"

I left the area and headed west towards Denver, making my way to Smith Road which once bisected most of Denver I think before they built Stapleton Airport.  Then aircraft runways resulted in Smith Road being split.  I wanted to see what was at the end of Smith Road since I'd also worked near its end at UAL's training center near Quebec Street and MLK Boulevard.

Turns out, the eastern portion of Smith Road ends at a Sandy Creek Regional Greenway trailhead parking lot.  I  took this picture of Natasha at the trailhead parking area and made my way back towards home for lunch.

All the main and side roads I rode on this morning were clear and dry.  Temperatures had started at just below freezing at the start of my riding and had soared to the low 40s by the time I got home.  Nice day for riding.

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