Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vintage Iron at Bob Ohman's Old Bike Ride #8

This past Sunday was a gloriously sunny and warm day in Golden, Colorado where the Norton Colorado Motorcycle Club sponsored the Eight iteration of Bob Ohman's "Old Bike Ride"

For the official description of said ride, please see my posting announcing it on  LINK

Note: This posting is also located on So what's the difference?  I get paid per # of hits on that site, so if you feel like helping my fuel budget, read the article there instead:  LINK,  Thanks!   

The DAU (Denver Area Uralisti), almost in its entirety, met up near the Golden Hotel where the Old Bike Ride would start from and we cruised into the street area next to the hotel in a stately formation of four Urals.  Our motorcycles were not "old enough" per se to ride the ride but we figured since the design really has been unchanged since the late 30's, it was OK to show up to spectate.  I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we enjoyed seeing the motorcycles in person:

The DAU Fleet is in.....

A lovely example of a Norton


BMW R90 and a Moto Guzzi

Harley Davidson Flat Head, from both sides
photo courtesy of John aka SPAT
photo courtesy of John aka SPAT

Another shot of the red hot Moto Guzzi

British Springfield Arms (BSA) and a Norton

A very nice condition BMW /2
photo courtesy of John aka SPAT

My first look at a Chiang-Jang Sidecar Rig, this one with a BMW R90 Engine
These rigs are made in China from plans bought from the Russians, who then moved onto making the 
present day Ural design sidecar rigs.

A magnificent example of a Vincent Black Shadow

A BMW /2 Sidecar Rig, with fitting passenger
photo courtesy of John aka SPAT

Note the dog's "doggles"

A closer look at the BMW /2 Tug, check out the turn indicator on the grip!

The man with the plan: Bob Ohman, here giving the Rider's Briefing just before the ride started
Awesome job organizing the ride Bob!  Thank you.

Most of the DAU in attendance waited till all the vintage riders had roared out of the vicinity of the Golden Hotel and we rode over to the twin rock towers which mark the entrance to Lookout Moutain Road off of 19th street in Golden.

Since the plan by the riders was to ride to the top of Lookout Mountain and rally at the Buffalo Bill Museum, we knew they would return back the way they went up and we could capture the following pictures.  Sorry about the quality, I apparently have to practice shooting fast moving objects more!

Here's DAU member Steffen and his wife Jody onboard their Ural Retro, coming off of Lookout Mountain

The red hot Moto Guzzi winging its way down the mountain

Another sidecar rig coming off the mountain, the tug appears to be a BMW K100, not sure who makes the sidecar

The iconic R90S

The Chiang-Jang proving it can hang with the other motorcycles

One of the two beautiful Vincents that made a showing for this OBR
photo courtesy of John aka SPAT

Here goes the BMW Sidecar Rig, dog happily gazing at us as they zipped by

The classic looking BSA motorcycle and rider zooms by

A vintage Honda makes its run up the mountain

Following closely behind the Honda, was this pretty yellow Ducati
photo courtesy of John aka SPAT

The DAU as we prepared to leave for lunch

We're always looking for new members!
photo courtesy of John aka SPAT

Here's last years report and pictures of the Old Bike Ride #7

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