Sunday, May 25, 2008

Riding CO119's Canyon Roads

I headed out after an early lunch today, with no objective in mind, hoping for some inspiration to hit while on the motorcycle.

I was headed towards Boulder on US36 when I thought I recalled that the National Renewable Energy Lab was on that road and picked that as my destination since its located near an interesting mesa I'd been hesitant to explore due to the "keep out" signs. The plan was to see if any guards were around, if not, then go in to see how far I could go.

Alas, it was not US36 that the lab is located on. I ended up in slow moving traffic in Boulder, slowly building up heat as I crawled along with the cagers. I spotted the sign saying CO119 junction and took it. I headed west out of the people's republic of boulder and was soon in canyon land. Traffic was moderately heavy but not too bad.

Rock formations near Boulder on CO119

There was no chance for spirited riding in spite of no police presence. I think the police knew that with so many cars on the roads, no way for anyone to speed. Still, the twists and turns couple with view of the high rocky walls on both sides of the pavement made for a great ride.

I even "discovered" Sugar Loaf Mountain road which is a very nice two lane twisty road heading up towards Sugar Loaf Mountain. Very nice vistas of Boulder can be hand but the road itself is worth a trip.

I turned around where Sugar Loaf Mountain road becomes dirt. Once back on CO119 I continued heading West. The river which borders CO119 was running pretty full and fast with the melting snows from the mountains. It made for a nice contrast to the jumble of rocks high up on the canyon walls.

I got to Nederland and continued on CO119 through this small town. I soon saw signs for Blackhawk and Central City and knew I was approaching US6.

On CO119, just across the border into Gilpin County

Once past the gambling towns, I headed on US6 back towards Golden. Traffic was much heavier at this point. A lot of folks were out and parked by any open spot next to the road to enjoy the waters in the river. Still no police in evidence but enough gawking cagers to keep one's speed down to about 10 over the limit if lucky.

Once in Golden I just headed hope on C-470/E-470. Memorial Day tomorrow, make sure to fly the colors in remembrance of those who served and gave their all for this great country of ours.

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