Monday, May 25, 2009

Three Years and a bit over 64,000 miles ago....

Three years ago, I was part of a group of students going through the MSF's Basic Rider Course at the local Honda Motorcycle dealer on Arapahoe Road and Clinton Street.

I stopped by there mid-morning once I realized the weather was not going to allow for a safe ride to the top of Mount Evans today. By coincidence or good luck, there was a Basic Rider class going through their own training as I rode up and parked.

The students probably wondered who was this guy who just sat there on his beemer with a bemused look on his face. One of the instructors walked by and said hello and I told him I'd taken the course three years ago and he said he knew the instructor who had trained me. He got busy again helping the main instructor and I was left alone to observe.

The students were doing pretty good, they looked a bit unsure of course, a few kept letting out the clutch to fast without raising the engine from idle and killing the bike, their turns were slow and they kept looking at the ground instead of keeping their eyes up and scanning. In other words, they were learning and I am sure having a ball; I am sure they also were wondering what the heck they were doing on a motorcycle when things proved not as easy as the instructor made it look!

A lot of the mistakes that I made while a student came to mind and I found myself nodding in agreement as I overheard the instructor coach her students.

I left as a light rain started to fall on us. I felt I was "cramping the student's style" by my observing and left them to discover the joys of motorcycling with the bare minimum of skills one needs.

I headed on home, stopping briefly at a couple of spots with good views of the horizon to capture shots of the storm clouds that were rolling in from the west.

Usually, you'd be able to see Mount Evans off in the horizon, directly behind where Brigitta sits

No riding into the mountains today for me

As you can see, the mountains are pretty much obscured directly to the west of the Denver Metro Area. I could see part of the Rockies to the southwest but way too far for riding today.

Three years, time flies when you're having fun!

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