Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Fiery Sunrise for the Marines

I left the house around 6:20 AM and saw red painted clouds off to the east. It's going to be a good sunrise today I thought as I motored out of my neighborhood.
As I climbed the hill on Himalaya Rd towards Smoky Hill Rd, the colors of the eastern sky's clouds had turned a golden orange. I had to find a place to stop and take a picture of it!

Quickly, I checked traffic and turned left onto the strip mall shopping center near my neighborhood. Sorry about such a crass foreground but when the light is right, there's no being choosy!

It kind of looks like the strip mall is on fire, doesn't it?

Today's sunrise colors were Red and Gold mostly, coincidentally....the colors of the United States Marine Corps; it's the Corps' birthday today. My thanks and continued admiration go to the men and women of the Marines. Go Devil Dogs!

Image Src: Ehow

Never heard the term "Devil Dogs"? See this LINK

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