Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day, 2010

I had the privilege again this year to be able to pay my respects to the veterans who lay at rest at Fort Logan National Cemetery.

I arrived an hour or so after dawn and already folks were there visiting their family and remembering them as they lived though they are gone.  Old Glory flew along the roadways within the cemetery and every grave had its own small version of the colors.   I rode around until I located section number 44 where my closest thing to a personal connection to one of the cemetery's honored dead is buried.

His name was Brian J. Joiner, Staff Sergeant, United States Air Force and son of a friend of mine from my days as a contractor at United Airlines.  Brian left us while serving this great country of ours, last year on October 21.  I was privileged then to attend his military funeral and this year I found his permanent gravestone where during my last visit there had been but a temporary paper marker.  LINK.

Rest in Peace, thanks for your service

Flanked by Army men, Brian is in good company

I had some difficulty finding Brian's gravestone I am sad to report.  My last memory of his grave site had been with his grave being the outer row of grave markers for Section 44.  What saddens me is that Brian's grave row is now six rows back from the outer edge of Section 44, as other servicemen and women have given their all for our country and now lay at rest with Brian.  Section 44 appears to be filled up.

Section 44 at Fort Logan National Cemetery

I paid my respects, quietly said my thanks to Brian and his fellow residents of this hallowed ground.  Natasha and I then quietly rode out of the cemetery along Omaha Drive to Kenyon Street. 

I hope you had a good Memorial Day and hope you remembered why this day exists and the price that's been paid and continues to be paid.  My thanks to all Veterans past and present for your service.

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