Friday, December 26, 2008

Incoming Weather after Christmas Day

Working from home again after taking Christmas Day off. I rode out during lunch and saw that some interesting cloud formations had formed during the morning and seemed to presage some wet weather heading our way.

I headed East on Smoky Hill Road and tried for some horizon shots from the housing development located at the junction with Powhaton Road.

Cool cloud formations eh?

Afterwards, I exited the development and turned right onto the dirt/gravel road that leads one to the grassy trails to the NE where the man made lake is located. I tried to stay on the dry grassy areas since the temperatures were in the low 40s. This meant soft mud in spots, specially low-lying areas. I was looking for high points of terrain where I could pose Brigitta with the oncoming weather clouds in the background.

Wide Open Spaces

Fluffy Clouds to the East
After pictures, I slowly made my way back to the dirt/gravel road bordering the housing development. A little bit of mud flew off the wheels as I gained speed once on pavement, but Brigitta came through pretty clean otherwise.

One last shot of the oncoming clouds

I wanted to ride more but I was "on duty" and so made my way back home to type this after checking for any new emails. Slow day at work, unsurprisingly.

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