Saturday, February 21, 2009

Woke to meager snow, rode in the afternoon

We've really had a very mild winter this year here in the Denver Metro area. For example, I woke to a really meager amount of snow today, most of which had fallen late yesterday evening. The forecast was for highs in the high 40s and sunny so I knew the snow would not last long.

I took this picture at 0830am, you can see, not much snow:

Here's a closer look without the girls in the way:

Heck, I could have ridden out of the neighborhood at the time I took the pictures but the main roads were not quite clear of snow yet, and what was clear, was wet. Since it was 21°F at that time, figured I could do something else and ride in the afternoon.

I rolled out of the neighborhood after lunch and got in a couple of hours of riding. No destination in mind, just mindless meandering mostly in the DTC or Denver Tech Center area. The sun was out in force and made the mid to high 40s feel much warmer even though I was on Brigitta with her zero wind protection.

It's supposed to be even warmer tomorrow, it might even hit 60°F! I am thinking of riding up to Estes Park and the Rocky Mountain National Park. Though a lot of the western part of the park is closed for winter, there's still some very scenic views to be had during this time of year. We'll see.

Here's a couple of "where was the motorcycle" shots I took. I play this game with John, aka Sanoke. He's the guy who showed me the fun of motorcycle exploration and once in a while we try to stump each other as to where a picture was taken.

John has definitely explored a lot more of Colorado than I have, still someday I'll get some shot that'll stump him.

Giant Quonset-shaped building

Not snow but a large dome

After some more meanderings, I headed on home via Arapahoe Road, swinging around via the Aurora Parkway, past the Saddle Rock golf course, and finally riding Brigitta back into her spot in the garage.

Lots of folks enjoying the nice weather, saw a couple of other motorcycle riders, plenty of golfers on the driving range, walkers and joggers too many to count and finally some bicyclists along the roadways.

Hope you got a ride in....

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