Monday, July 27, 2009

"Riding in the Rain"

Today as I left work close to 4:00 PM, the storm clouds were gathering and a few drops of rain were starting to fall in the parking lot as I got ready to ride Brigitta, my 1987 R80 Beemer home from Denver International Airport.

Flying debris was everywhere as the winds were picking up and blowing from the North/Northwest. I headed out and straight into some strong gusty winds, hitting me on the right side and causing me to lean Brigitta over or be pushed into the adjoining lane. I hate wind from the right side, left side...not so much.

I got to "enjoy" these windy conditions for several miles until at last my chosen route home had me heading in a southerly direction. Now with the wind at my back, all was quiet and relatively still. I chose a route that avoided much more exposure to southbound winds on my right side and the rest of the ride was great.

The rain continued and grew in strength, there was buckets of the stuff! And yet, it did not bother me. I was dry with my waterproof liner under my riding jacket, my pants were getting wet but I was heading home so no matter there. The rain was falling thickly but gently with almost no wind. It was great!

So great in fact in evoked in my minds eye that scene from that old movie where Gene Kelly is dancing about in a rain-soaked street, singing that well known song: "Singing in the Rain".

I was finding the whole riding in the rain experience, after those wicked wind gusts coupled with rain, so peaceful in comparison that I tried singing the following lyrics. Really, I was having such a good time, rain coming down in buckets, that I was weaving in my lane (safely), as I am prone to do when enjoying some nice tune when on the highway.

So I give you here, the paraphrasing of the first verse of the song, sung to the tune of "Singing in the Rain":

Riding in the Rain

I'm riding in the rain
Just riding in the rain
What a glorious feelin'
I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
And I'm doing what I love
Let the stormy clouds chase
Every cager from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I ride down the lane
With a happy refrain
Just ridin',
Ridin' in the rain

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