Sunday, July 26, 2009

Maria and Brigitta go out riding together

For the first time ever, both my motorcycles: Maria the 1150RT and Brigitta the R80 Airhead, went for a ride together.

Since there's only one of me (a fact that is sometimes a comfort to women everywhere), there's no way for me to ride the two motorcycles I own at the same time. Well, that changed today.

Gary, who used to be my next door neighbor, who had moved away over a year ago to Missouri; was here for the day. He flies for Frontier Airlines and his daughter was visiting a friend in the neighborhood. Gary was at loose ends so he proposed to take me up on a repeated offer of mine from the past to go riding.

He shows up shortly after 9 AM and after lending him my old riding jacket and some gloves, we were off. Gary was on Brigitta and I was on Maria. It was really fascinating to me, to see how Brigitta looked in my side mirrors! She sounded pretty good to when Gary would pull up next to me at stoplights.

We went down on CO 83, aka Parker Road, past Parker and Franktown. I then took him up CO 11 where we found many patches of gravel which slowed us way down. Once we got into Castle Rock, I looked for a spot for a photo op with Castle Rock's namesake in the background:

Gary, with the girls

Me and the Girls

We exited Castle Rock, crossed over I-25 and took Wolfenberger Road towards CO 105. Turning south on CO 105, we cruised under sunny skies down to Perry Park and I turned into the development to show Gary the many rock formations there.

Here we are at Camel Rock, one of the more well known of rock formations:

Interesting, how shooting from basically the same location, we used different compositions

It's different, riding with someone else. Way different when he's on your motorcycle! Still, I got to see Brigitta as others see her, and I liked what I saw.

After Perry Park, we cruised through to Palmer Lake and had a quick lunch at Monument. We then crossed back over I-25 and headed east back towards Parker Road. The skies were darkening quickly and I could see a rain storm approaching from the west. We hurried north on CO 83 and got near home just short of 3:00 PM I believe.

One short stop to pick up a birthday cake to surprise my loving wife with and off we went for home. We got caught in a pretty good rain shower due to the cake stop but it was worth it to see the look on her face when I brought it out. I even managed to get three of her friends to show up to sing Happy Birthday to her.

Gary and I even worked in a late evening ride after the guests had departed. We saw perhaps six deer in the fields on either side of the county roads I'd selected. We only rode perhaps 50 miles during the evening ride but it was all good. This time Gary rode Maria and I was on Brigitta.

Again, it was weird seeing Maria in my side mirrors being ridden by someone else, but again I liked what I saw. I must figure out a way to safely take a picture of my bikes when ridden by someone else while I too am riding.

A good day of riding, a bit less than 200 miles total I'd say. Looks like Brigitta's odometer records more miles than Maria's odometer though. At the end of the first ride, Maria reported 8 miles less than Brigitta's total.....hmmmm.

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