Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Riding through a Prairie Dog Gauntlet

There's a neighborhood road on my regular commute to work that takes me to Havana road and the back way to the United Airlines training facility I work at as a contractor. I use this road because its got very little traffic, its only two lane and fairly safe.

Not today! Apparently, there's quite the bustling/growling prairie dog colony all along this stretch of my commute now.

from google images

I had to hit the brakes pretty good to avoid running over three of these varmints who decided to dash from one side of the street to the other as I approached doing perhaps 30mph.

After that I swear there must have been at least 15 more eating or watching me go by from both sides of the road as I prepared to hit the brakes just in case!

There's plenty of evidence on the road itself of previous varmints who were not quick enough to avoid being run over.

I get to run the gauntlet again this afternoon on the way home.......it's usually deer that motorcyclists need to worry about in terms of animal hazards, now I get to add prairie dogs to the list.

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