Sunday, January 4, 2009

Dry Roads, and so a Short Ride

So we woke to perhaps an inch of snow on the ground, dry and fluffy. I cleared the driveway, with the help of my youngest son, in no time. This to include the cul-de-sac's sidewalks and even a path down the middle.

The sun came out in force and started melting away the snow from the main roads. As usual, the road out of the neighborhood remain snow-packed longer. I left the house on Brigitta, my "snow bike" around 1:30 pm after having done a quick recon using the cage. This gave the cage some exercise as well since I barely did 1800 miles on it in more than six months last year!

The main roads were dry for the most part, the wet looking parts were just that, wet. No ice was encountered by myself or Brigitta except where I purposely went onto snowy surfaces. This was the case at the local neighborhood park near Orchard and Tower where once again I took a picture of the usual tree:

There were a couple of Sheriff Deputies in their patrol vehicles in the parking lot of the park. I can imagine the thoughts that ran through their heads as they watch me approach their position. Picture a lone motorcyclist, slowly traversing the snow-covered parking lot and you can imagine what they saw.

I managed to retrace my path out of the snow covered parking lot and continued wandering the neighborhood arterial roads looking for more picture opportunities.

Unfortunately the above picture is all I really found worth stopping for a picture. I wandered East on Quincy till somewhere near the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds, then West on it as well until I got to Buckley Road which I took South towards Smoky Hill Road. Basically just riding around, on 95% dry roads and temperatures in the low 20s.

About 20 miles of riding around, enjoying the sun and dry roads. The snow is mostly gone even from the grassy areas. Tomorrow's expected high of 42 degrees should finish up the job of making the remaining snow disappear.

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