Friday, January 9, 2009

Published in the BMWMOA Owner News

Well, it took over a year since I submitted it for publishing but the Owner News Magazine folks of the BMW Owners Association to which I belong, did publish my first overnight motorcycling trip that I did back in October of 2007.

I'd had Maria for about a year at that point and the planets lined up correctly (to paraphrase Jeff Munn) leaving me an opportunity to ride down to Monument Valley in Arizona by way of the Million Dollar Highway in Colorado.

Here's a link to the blog posting, some of the shots therein made it into the magazine article. LINK

Here's the pictures that made it into the article:

The start of the Million Dollar Highway

Million Dollar Highway, between Ouray and Durango

North side of Molas Pass, CO

Mexican Hat Rock Formation

Gooseneck State Park

This is the opening credit picture for the article, which had caught my eye as I was perusing the magazine. It had been so long since I'd submitted the article that I'd given up on having it published. The first thought that came to mind when I saw this picture was, ironically: "Dang, someone used my picture for their own stuff!".

On US106 enroute to Kayenta, AZ from Teec Nos Pos

There's more shots in the blog link above if you're interested. What a nice way to end what had been a pretty boring week in terms of riding, just commuting back and forth to work.

04FEB09 Update: I asked for and received a pdf version of my article from the editor of the BMWMOA ON Magazine, so if you want to read the actual published article, go here: LINK

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