Saturday, April 18, 2009

Post Blizzard Rides, albeit short ones.....

As you've probably seen in the news, we in the Denver metro area got lots of snow dumped on us. My neighborhood got about nine inches or so, tops. I spent most of yesterday and today working the hell out of my snow blower to get paths cleared in the cul-de-sac for our cars. It was deep enough that without the work, no car was getting out, much less my motorcycle!

Finally, around 1:ooPM or so, the snow finally stopped falling and it became a gentle rain for the most part. The snow accumulations started melting and I spent my time ensuring drainage channels out of the cul-de-sac and down the street to the storm sewers. That was painful spade word as my snow blower just could not handle the wet, soggy snow at that point!

After resting a bit and drying out, I went out one more time to see how Berry Street looked. It was clear of snow and just wet! I geared up quickly and after getting what she called my "final kiss" from my loving wife, I headed out for a quick look at Himalaya Road.

Nice wide path out of the cul-de-sac

Lining myself up with the channels created by cagers going up and down the street

I got to South Ireland Street, the main road one uses to exit the neighborhood, made sure no oncoming cars and turned right to the exit to Berry Street. No sweat, the hard part was over!

I went to the light on Berry and turned left onto Himalaya Rd. Wet roads and a foggy visor were the only hazards as traffic was pretty light. I went to the parking lot of the nearby grocery store and turned around. I got home and no wife in sight to take pictures! Turns out she thought I'd be out longer! Doh!

So I went out again, this time turning right on Himalaya and almost making it all the way to Quincy road. I turned around just before Quincy and retraced my route. Road conditions remained just wet with a few spots where there was slushy snow remnants.

As I neared my home, I spotted my loving wife, catering to my whims as usual. It's either that or she's planning on that big life insurance policy I took out....hmmm.

The stop sign is South Ireland Street

Lining myself up with the cleared of snow path into the cul-de-sac

Home Safe

As you can see though, made it home from the two short rides with no issues. Even the remaining snow in spots was really just wet slush. Tomorrow its supposed to be warmer and sunny so the snow will really melt away then. Weather guessers are saying the temperatures are going to be in the high 60s-70s all week! Joy.

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