Sunday, April 19, 2009


Sunny day today, a nice change from the gray overcast skies of the last couple of days, skies which dumped a few inches of snow on us in the Denver metro area.

The temperatures were supposed to go to the lower fifties so I left the house soon after lunch to see what I could find in terms of snow accumulations.

I first tried heading East on Quincy Road after some meandering of neighborhood roads. The eastern prairies had not gotten much, a couple of inches tops. I guess the winds out there prevented any significant accumulations. I rode out to Tom Bay Road and got onto the road that leads to Local #9 of the International Union of Operating Engineers. Quite the fancy title but the road does give one a nice location for taking pictures of the plains.

That's Quincy Road, heading to points east

Next I headed back into town and spotted this line of earth movers highlighted by the afternoon sun. They'd caught my eye on the way out to Quincy Rd and I returned to pose Brigitta by them.

Playing Follow the Leader?

Nearby the above shot, there's a new housing development being built. I swung in and found flowing water from the melting snows. I saw how the water was lit just right to render reflections of surrounding objects so I thought to pose Brigitta:

I next headed west on Arapahoe Road, turning south by the Lima business center and ending up heading west once again but this time on County Line Road. The roads were wet for the most part, with some puddles to be splashed through along the way.

I stayed on County Line road until I reach Santa Fe Blvd aka US85. I turned south on this road and cruised on down towards Sedalia and Castle Rock. Not much more snow accumulations here on the west side of town than back in the east side where I live.

The only other motorcycles I would spot the whole day were a couple of cruisers parked at the Bar and Grill at Sedalia. I guess the others were still digging themselves out of their neighborhoods? I made it down to Castle Rock and took Founders Parkway back towards Parker. As I entered the town limits, I spotted this empty parking lot next to a playing field covered in a thin layer of water:

Turns out, it's really hard to get a good picture of a motorcycle's reflection in water, when said water is moving. That's OK though, flowing water means snow that's melting away!

I got home from Parker with no incidents, and spent perhaps 30-40 minutes wiping Brigitta clean from all the road spray and grime. Nice ride, perhaps three hours in the saddle and 115 miles covered.

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