Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cows in the Mist!

Today's blog title was inspired by Dian Fossey's "Gorillas in the Mist" book title.

I was riding to work along a new "back way" to get to and from Denver International Airport. I learned of it yesterday from a co-worker and its not only much emptier in terms of cagers but it cuts down my commute to DIA by two miles!

The route is two lane country roads, paved (albeit a bit roughly at times), and usually no one around.

This morning, the temperatures were in the high 40s and foggy. I was cruising along and saw dark shapes beginning to emerge from the fog in front of me. More accurately, the black shapes were in a fenced off field to the left and ahead of me, so it's not like they were in my path.

As I cruised by, the dark shapes materialized into black cows out grazing. The title of this posting popped into my head and I pulled a quick U-Turn to pose Maria, my 2004 R1150RT by the fenceline.

The cows all turned their heads collectively at my approach and gazed warily at me as I took pictures. I think they had me confused with some ne'er do well like Mr Riepe or something.

That's it, I found it amusing where my mind wanders at times, hope you get a chuckle out of it. And Jack, sorry, but the dig above just fit into the narrative.

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