Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Meet the Colorado Motorcycle Travel Examiner

Ken Bingenheimer, who runs the great Passes and Canyons Blog recently invited me to join Examiner.com as a regular writer. He used to represent Colorado in terms of motorcycling stories but now has been promoted to the national level!

A few emails later, I was accepted by the Examiner folks and my first article went live this afternoon. Here's a link to the article itself: LINK

Some of you who've been with me a while will see me recast past blog postings into articles for publishing on the Examiner website. I am looking forward to the flexibility this gig will give me to talk about some topics which did not quite fit in to the blog as well.

I've still some things to learn but mostly as to how the editors want me to do some things. So far, they seem pleased. Please visit the examiner.com site to check out my stuff, enough hits and I might get enough pay for a tank of gas or two.....lots of other cool content by other examiners as well!

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