Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Better Support Tray for the Big Mak Tankbag

Over the last few months, I'd noticed that my plastic support tray for my Big Mak Tank Bag had started sagging due to all the stuff I keep in it. My fault, just way too much stuff.

I'd been getting by through taping a couple of flat metal bars along the underside of the plastic support panel and that had accomplished the support mission. It looked like crap though, what with all the black duct tape holding the metal support bars in place. Not very beemer-like you know?

Yesterday, a co-worker friend of mine found a piece of scrap metal with the right dimensions and thickness and a short while later he'd cut the scrap steel into the same shape as my weary plastic support panel! A couple of holes for the mounting screws and I now have a very sturdy steel panel onto which the tankbag slips onto and secures via a velcro strap. Such a deal!

LINK to original posting of the Big Mak Tank Bag.

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