Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I've been added to Alltop's Motorcycle Section

I found out about Guy Kawasaki's "Blog Consolidation" site yesterday through Mike Werner's Blog: Bikes in the Fast Lane.

Here's what Mike wrote about this neat site:

Guy Kawasaki (no, not the motorcycle manufacturer) has started an interesting blog consolidator site called AllTop Open link in a new window (which stands for All the Top stories). It has a dedicated section for motorcycles, so you can head to that page and see in one glance what everyone is writing about in terms of motorcycles. The layout is really nice and easy to see. Hover your mouse over a headline, and you'll see the short summary of the article. Click on a headline, and you're brought straight to that article.

I encourage you to check out Alltop's offerings, he's got a lot of categories of blogs on his site besides the ones on motorcycling.

Here's a direct link to the motorcycle section: LINK

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