Sunday, June 22, 2008

Going back to the windshield for now

Brigitta, sans her small windshield, really is what is called a naked bike. All the wind hits you as you ride along, which on the recent few hot days, was a great thing. One slight issue however, at above 60 mph, you're also making an effort to not get pushed back by the wind and her light weight allows for you and her to be batted around a bit by the wind. Not bad mind you, but it's there.

So today, I decided to try riding Brigitta to/from work with the windshield on. Yeah, I think she looks better without it but I'll give it a shot to see how it feels on hot days this coming week, perhaps there's enough wind and not having to hold on at above 60mph might be worth it.

It was after 1900hrs, it had been overcast most of the day but the evening skies looked good and it was nice and cool. I headed out to Quincy Road which I took East to get her up to speed and check for turbulence and noise.

So, with the windshield back on, I notice a bit more wind noise in my helmet with some minor booming in the ears when going into the wind. No perceived need to hang on to the grips harder however so that's good. I put out my hand and can feel the wind pressure begin just where the visor's top edge is on my helmet. No turbulence was evident during the ride.

And so it continues.....

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