Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My First Published Motorcycling Article

Ok, first and ONLY published motorcycling magazine article. Unlike the prolific and entertaining articles written by Jack Riepe which he's gotten published in the BMW Motorcycle Owner's Association's Owner News magazine, I've submitted only one article for publishing. I really do have to get my butt in gear and generate more stuff if I want to be more than a one-article author.

Be that as it may, I'd mentioned before that I did get my first overnight motorcycle trip published in the JAN 2009 edition of the Owner News.

This past weekend I sent an email to the editor, Vince Winkel, asking for a pdf version of my article. He responded today with some kind words and the pdf itself!

For those of you unfortunate enough to not own a Beemer and also be a member of the BMWMOA, here's a link to the article: LINK

Note: Yes, I am counting on some readers being trapped by snow/ice conditions where they live and being so bored and eager for motorcycling content that they'll actually want to read the article.

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