Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunset near the Foothills

There's an area here at the base of the Rockies called the Foothills, it marks the beginning of the mountains that form a spectacular backdrop for the Denver Metro Area.

I suspect though, that most people that live here, see it every day and have "tuned it out". Too bad for them.

I found myself at loose ends around 4pm, no chores to do and the weather in the low 50s. Of course, I went riding to try and catch the sunset.

As I rode out of my neighborhood, I could see low lying clouds partially obscuring the tops of the Rockies so I knew my usual spots for catching the sunset would probably not work. I headed west seeing spots to frame Maria by and ended up on US85 which I took to Titan Road. As I neared the foothills, the light was almost right and I sought a good place to stop and frame some shots.

I found said spot off of Titan Road, a little two lane road called Wildlife Way. I cruised up this neighborhood road and saw this "house" which reminded me of "Gone with the Wind":

I then returned back towards the beginning of the lane and got the following pictures as the setting sun was obscured by clouds but some light managed to leak through reflection in the atmosphere:

After these shots, it was getting dark and I rode home via the C470/E470 super slabs to make time. Made it home without incident or deer sightings.

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