Friday, February 6, 2009

Taking the meandering way home

We've had highs in the low to mid 60s yesterday and today. Gorgeous weather all around. Of course, having to work cut into my riding so it was basically just commuting back and forth from home to work.

In order to enjoy the great weather a bit longer during the commute home, I deviated from my normal route and entered the Cherry Creek Park via it's western entrance after having seen from the top of the Cherry Creek Dam road how blue the water was looking in the afternoon sunshine.

I rode over to the Maria at the reservoir which is part of this park. The parking lot was mostly empty, not surprisingly, since winter is not exactly the best season for boating around here. All the boat slips were empty and what boats I saw were out of the water.

That's Cherry Creek Dam on the left, the Dam road is on top and is normally my commute route

I then wandered over to the boat ramp/launching area which remained blocked off due to winter. Even though most of the ice had melted in the reservoir, I guess it still wasn't clear enough to allow boat operations. Still, it provided me with a good spot to pose Brigitta by:

Nice looking blue water, isn't it?

Afterwards, I continued on the single two lane road which traverses most of the park and which led me to the eastern entrance to the park. Along the way I meandered in and out of the several areas in the park where one can park and admire the views of the reservoir and prairies. There were several people out enjoying the sunshine and mild weather, jogging/walking or riding bicycles. Soon though, I ran out of park and I exited onto Parker Road south and from there it was an uneventful commute again.

A little relaxation during one's commute, it really does not add much to the normal commute and is a welcome break. It's Friday and I am looking forward to one more day of really good weather before a cold front moves in on Sunday. The front is supposed to bring a chance of snow, I hope not much if at all.

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