Sunday, January 31, 2010

A ride through Deer Creek Canyon

Note: This posting is also located on So what's the difference?  I get paid per # of hits on that site, so if you feel like helping my fuel budget, read the article there instead:  LINK  Thanks!

Deer Creek Canyon Road, located near the intersection of the E-470 Super Slab and Wadsworth Blvd, is one of my favorite twisty roads to ride when one is short of time.  It's close to the Denver metro area, well maintained and has beautiful rock formations to go with its curving turns that lead one northwest towards Turkey Creek Roads north and south, both ending up eventually at US285.

I was not able to leave the house to go riding till almost 1:00PM and so I chose the Deer Creek Canyon area to give Brigitta, my 1987 R80 Beemer Airhead motorcycle some exercise.  It had been over a month since I'd ridden her and my maneuvers reflected it!  My u-turns were awkward and wide in radius, my shifting was rough, and it took me some time to accustom myself to her controls once again.  Sure, the weather has been cold and not conducive to riding on a motorcycle with a minimalist fairing, but I was chagrined at my mistakes.  I can't imagine what it must be like for motorcycle riders who hibernate their motorcycles all winter!

Anyways, I made my way through the Town of Parker, using the Crowfoot Parkway to get to the outskirts of Castle Rock.  Crossing over the I-25 slab using Founder's Parkway, I was soon winging my way north on US85.  Brigitta ran sweetly and strongly, smoothly forging its way into the strong winds that would be my company throughout the entire ride. 

I continued past the town of Sedalia where a few Harleys were parked outside the bar there.  I got onto the Titan Parkway and headed now west, soon enough I was turning onto Waterton Canyon and slowly making my way to CO121.  I turned north when I got to CO121 and a few minutes later I was at the beginning of Deer Creek Canyon Road.

The roads were clear of gravel and I enjoyed a few of the twists and turns, going past the South Valley Park area, and turning left onto Grizzly Road looking for Deer Creek Canyon Park.  The park turned out to be an open space park, where you park your vehicle and go hiking.  This was not for me so I continued past and explored the surrounding area's beautiful rock formations.  Folks have made their homes amongst these rock formations, blending in nicely I thought and not being too disruptive to one's view of nature's beauty.

Now this is a good example of blending one's home with the surroundings

A closer view of the rock strewn landscape visible from the high points of Deer Creek Park

Leaving the neighborhood of Deer Creek Park, I wound my way back towards a large rock formation I'd spotted on the way in, right on Deer Creek Canyon Road.  It's a bit awkward to get one's motorcycle into position due to the blind curves on both ends of the formation but I managed to do it safely.
Looking west on Deer Creek Canyon Road

I got myself turned around once more and headed back towards CO121.  Turning north, I elected to use the E-470 slab to speed on home as it was now 36°F and I was getting a bit chilled.  There was some construction delays between University Blvd and Colorado but after that I was making my way home at a good clip, strong headwinds notwithstanding!

Pretty good ride today, a bit windy and cold, some rust on my two-wheeled riding skills that I must work to remove.  First thing being not letting a month go by before riding on two wheels, next some practice in parking lots on my u-turns.

Hope you got some riding in today.

EOM Mileages: Brigitta: 83,363  Natasha: 13,701 Km

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