Friday, January 8, 2010

Riding through 2010's first full week

Note: This posting is also located on So what's the difference?  I get paid per # of hits on that site, so if you feel like helping my fuel budget, read the article there instead:  LINK  Thanks!

It's Friday of this new year's first full week. I thought I'd show you the local riding conditions and how they changed as we got the latest "artic blast" from our neighbors to the North.

Here's Tuesday afternoon's riding conditions, highs in the low 40s and it had been over a week since Brigitta, my 1987 R80, had gotten to go out and play. So I took her out on the county roads to the east of my home neighborhoods for some exercise. This is important to work all the mechanisms and "burn off" any water condensate that might have built up within the gearbox. You have to go, according to my indie mechanic, at least 50 miles to heat up the engine enough to boil off the water within the gearbox.

A lonely county road somewhere on the Eastern Plains

Then there was some snow starting that Tuesday night and into Wednesday, we really only got perhaps 2 inches of the stuff so no big deal.

Thursday, I had lunch with a guy I used to work with about three contracts ago, had a good time and he gave me the scoop on two locations where my resume is being considered.

Near Arapahoe Road, looking west to the mountains

Finally, there's today, Friday. I went out on Natasha for some errands down in the Denver Tech Center area and on the way back home detoured through the Cherry Creek Reservoir Park for pictures of the snow.

Whale Tail Row at the Cherry Creek Reservoir Park

The view from the Model Airplane Field at the Cherry Creek Reservoir

One of several picnic/overlook areas at the reservoir

Cherry Creek Dam's Control Tower, I slipped and fell on my butt while moving around the rear of Natasha, no injuries since I was ATGATT but a good reminder to me of how slippery the snow was, in spite of how sure-footed Natasha was riding

I saw some car/truck tire tracks off one parking lot, followed them, looks like they were made by park service vehicles as they maintained the facilities in the area. Still, it allowed me this shot of Natasha amongst the trees of a picnic area.

Got home around 12:30 PM, had some lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon helping my youngest son build a snow fort. Great fun and not too hard on my back. I even got calls from a recruiter for a possible interview with Comcast. Wish me luck on these three leads....

Update: Fort pictures added:

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