Sunday, January 24, 2010

Windy Plains

Though sunny at times, today was mainly a blustery and windy day for riding.  The temperatures stayed below 39°F and it felt colder than that.

Once geared up and ATGATT though, the feeling of cold was minimal.  Mostly on my hands which were inside my winter gloves, the gloves were inside the ATV grip covers on Natasha, my '96 Ural Sportsman.  I never had to turn on the heated grips however, the hands just felt "cool".

After running an errand, I wandered over to the undeveloped rolling prairie lands near my home neighborhoods.  All the snow was gone, and what mud had developed had pretty much dried up in the cold sunny weather we've enjoyed the last few days.

It was late afternoon when I got there, pretty close to 4:00 PM as the "golden hour" started.  You'll have to imagine the mildly howling winds coming from the west, it made me have to retake shots at times since it would try to push me over as I framed the shot.

As close as I cared to get to the reservoir today, this is a new trail, led to a cul-de-sac in the making

Down in a low area, the reservoir is behind Natasha

Atop a small hill, you can see the Aurora Reservoir in the distance

Looking towards the south, the distant clouds looked like snow-capped mountain ranges

I rolled on towards home, stopping at a friend's house to pick up my youngest son from his "play date" with school chums.  I got him bundled up good, helmet on, and off we went towards home and warmth.

Hope you got some riding in today....

Previous rides in this area:

A short ride through the rolling plains
Riding a grassy trail to the lake

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