Sunday, November 30, 2008

Close, but no cigar, as to riding the whole month.

We awoke to light but steady snow this morning, dammit. There was at most a couple inches of semi-wet snow on the ground and the damn stuff kept falling pretty steadily till about 1430hrs or so. Dammit.

Last day of November, I'd ridden my motorcycles (one or the other) every day this month, had been hoping to make it all month this late in the Fall but today's snow made sure I wouldn't make that goal.

I track my daily riding and looking back on it, I only achieved the "ride every single day of the month" during May and September this year. Either travel or weather colluded to prevent my riding on the other days I think. There was, I recall, one day when I didn't feel like riding but mostly I do try and ride.

If you're bored or curious, my riding log is near the bottom of the right-hand side items on the blog. There's links to that day's blog posting if applicable, sometimes there's a comment I put in as a reminder.....

So I spent the day shoveling snow, using the snow-thrower for the first time this Fall, ensuring there was clear drainage for the melting snow. I've two paths, as you can see above, out of my cul-de-sac and as long as the main roads are dry, I should be good to go.

Tomorrow's forecast calls for a high of 55F° and partly cloudy, so I am sure I'll get a chance to ride.

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