Saturday, November 29, 2008

Second Snow for Fall 2008

We in the Denver Metro area again woke to snow on the ground. Not really much of it though, and it stuck mostly on the grass. Here's the view out of the second story window at around 0730hrs:

Here's how things looked about two hours later.....I had cleared the driveway.

I waited till after lunch, around 1300 hrs and made a short foray into neighborhood streets looking for a suitable background for pictures of the snow.

The streets were wet, temps in the mid 30s and no wind so although it was bit iffy-looking, traction was fine. I kept the speeds around 10mph below the speed limit so really was not going very fast.

As you can see, not much snow remaining in the fields near the high school

At the local high school, note the geese in the center of the track

At the Plains Conservation Center's Tepees

I only stayed out about 35 minutes or so, though the traction was fine, I could feel the cold seeping inwards through my riding gear.

Got home, took the boys and one of their friends snow sledding on the hills at the local high schools which I'd scouted during my ride. They boys had a lot of fun and of course, while my ride had been under overcast skies, the clouds parted near the end of the sledding! Oh well.

Hopefully whatever sun we do get will dry off the streets so that they don't freeze overnight!

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