Thursday, November 20, 2008

A "Brisk" Ride after a day of WFH'ing.

WFH or my personal acronym for "Working From Home". Today the Denver Metro Area awoke to freezing temperatures and snow showers that had started overnight apparently. The news reports mentioned several accidents due to frozen spots in the roads and so I elected once more to work from home.

I'd woken late anyways since I'd been working till about 0245 in the morning on some network changes for a couple of airports overseas that United Airlines flies into. Doing things at a time that does not impact flight/check-ins at the overseas location tends to sometimes cause me to work weird hours like that, specially lately.

I headed out a bit after 1515hrs after I'd brought the boys home from school. I geared up and took Maria out for a short ride. My route took me North out of my neighborhood to Quincy Avenue where I headed East till I got to Gun Club Road. Heading south on Gun Club Rd I went past the Southland Meadows Mall area, then East on Smokey Hill Road until it turns south onto Powhaton Road.

The roads, which had been bone dry till then, soon appeared to be wet-looking and caused me some trepidation as the temps were below freezing during this ride. Flashbacks to me and Maria hitting ice back in June went through my head and I slowed to a stop at the top of a hill just south of Powhaton and County Line Road. The wet looking pavement proved to be fine on examination once I got off the bike. Still I turned around after taking these pictures:

As you can see, a bit of a gloomy day, with wet cold winds blowing about

I cruised back to Smokey Hill Road, where the roads were bone dry once again. I cruised slowly home via Gartrell Road to Liverpool Rd which I took North back to my home neighborhood.

A short and brisk ride in terms of temperatures. The cold was not bad as my gear kept the cold out and I had the ATV handguards on Maria which kept my hands toasty with the grip heater on "low". 45 minutes and 28 miles, a bit more than my usual commute of late, good way to clear the cobwebs from my brain after a day of telecommuting.

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