Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Ride

I rode into the Denver Tech Center today to check on things at the data center. It was, predictably, a ghost town. Still the nice weather (mid 30s!) and the fact we got ZERO snow in spite of predictions from the weather guessers made it a good day to ride.

Yep, no snow. The forecast was for 2-4 for Denver, we got zilch, nada, zero....and for that I am thankful. My kids were, out of my hearing range, hoping for a white Christmas, but I think they'll survive the dissapointment when it comes time to open presents tomorrow. : )

As I did last year, I made some attempt to capture my motorcycle of the day with a manger scene. There continues to be a dearth of such religious exhibits here in Denver, not sure why but I suspect political correctness on the part of officials and secularists have made it so.

Here's the best I could do, a pretty "basic" presentation of the traditional manger scene, to remind us of the real reason for this holiday.

A Church in Cherry Creek Neighborhood

My duties at the data center done, I headed back to the barn via Cherry Creek Dam Road and Parker Road. One could see the whole front range of mountains to the West and I tried to capture a small piece of it for you. Truly amazing how superior the human eye is to the meager contraptions invented to capture what the eye sees.

Denver Tech Center with Mount Evans in the background

Here's hoping you were able to ride today and that your Christmas celebrations tomorrow are everything you hope for them to be. I hope to be able to range out of the city limits tomorrow as I am off from work.

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