Saturday, December 20, 2008

Whale Tail Row at Cherry Creek Park

Yesterday afternoon, the temperatures were in the low to mid 40s and sunny. Obviously, I had to go riding! The roads were 95% dry, yesterday's little snow dusting pretty much history. That's just the way I like it.

I rode over to the Denver Tech Center to check on my work computer. Most everyone had taken off as were at the start of a "change freeze". This means no one is allowed to make any changes to any equipment during the heavy travel period for the holidays.

Afterwards, I headed into the Cherry Creek Reservoir's park to see how the snow had coated things. Not much to see, in spite of the snow being mostly gone from the park roads. Some tricky stuff at the entrance and exits to parking areas but nothing major.

Here's some pics of what I call "Whale Tail Row". The cement structures serving as shade/overhead cover are shaped as Whale Tails, hence my name for the place. Cherry Creek Reservoir, coated in snow/ice is in the middle background with the Dam itself in the distance.

The remainder of the ride was along Parker Road after traversing the Cherry Creek Dam Road which lies atop the dam itself. Parker took me to Quincy and from there to Smoky Hill Road and then home. About 45 miles of riding so I topped off Brigitta's gas tank (.888 gallons) and got her home for cleanup.

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