Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Ride before the Next Snow Storm

The weather guessers are projecting for today about 2-4 inches of snow starting sometime during the afternoon commute hours and through the night.

I left the house just before lunch and wandered about the Buckley AFB area. the temperatures were in the high 20s to low 30s so it was quite brisk since I was riding Brigitta who has really no wind protection for me.

The GS hand guards failed miserably, after 30 minutes or so, to keep my hands warm even with the heated grips on High. Still, I did find a nice backdrop southwest of Buckley AFB for the following pictures:

The Satellite Dish Domes look like snow balls don't they?

You can see the approaching snow clouds, usually you'd be able to see the mountains from here

A Panoramic View, check out the weird hangar to the right

My hands were pretty cold at this point, so I headed on home where I detached the GS hand guards and put on the ATV Grip Covers. Headed back out for a few miles of riding to prove that the covers were doing the job and headed on back to the barn since I still had work to do.

Hope you readers are getting some riding in, I am hoping for less than 2 inches of accumulation today so that perhaps I can ride late Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day.

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