Sunday, March 29, 2009

Results of the 2008 BMWMOA Mileage Contest are out

Well, of the 76 finishers from the great state of Colorado, I placed 15th in terms of mileage accumulated during the contest period of April though October. The only problem? They got my last name wrong, Change instead of Chang. Oh well.

The average miles ridden by men was 9,806 miles and women was 8,719 club wide.

The 1st place male rider racked up an impressive 68,072 miles during the contest. He was from Texas and his mileage included less than one thousand miles in inclement weather by riding in the direction the Weather Channel told him had good weather. He achieved the Iron Butt National Parks award (62 parks in 26 days), several rallies, the MOA national in Wyoming, the Top of the Rockies Rally and the Black Hills Stampede for the "Hat Trick". Now there's a rider!

The first place female rider accumulated an equally impressive 58,328 and was from Panama City, Panama. Her riding included The James Dalton Highway and the Haul Road to Prudhoe Bay in Alaska as the destinations, starting from Ushuaia, Argentina! She also managed to rack up several iron butt rallies, other assorted motorcycling rallies and completed the "48+" Ironbutt event. Wow.

The BMWMOA magazine listed all finishers by state, just for grins and a secretly seething competitive spirit, I counted up how many riders I managed to beat by counting which had better mileages than me: 344. Out of a total of 1571 finishers, not counting myself, that puts me in the top 21% of riders club-wide. Not bad!

The BBIR or Bavarian Black Ice Rally is ending soon as well (April 10). I'll have to make sure to get my winter riding mileage results in before 10May2009!. I hope to do better at that one.

16MAY09: finally received my "BMW MOA Mileage Contest Finisher 2008" pin today.

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