Monday, March 30, 2009

A Windy Ride after a Snowy Morning

I just love this snow pattern Colorado seems to enjoy. So long as not too much snow falls in the morning, and if the sun comes out for a while, we usually get mostly dry if not fully dry roads in the afternoon to get some riding in.

We got perhaps and inch at most of snow, just enough snow and ice to make the commute into the data center in my cage "interesting". My 1987 560SL Benz is rear-wheel drive and I'd neglected to load up a couple of sandbags in the trunk to give her better traction. She weighs almost two tons empty so she does OK on snow. However, the lack of weight in the back made for some slipping and sliding once, when I had to accelerate into traffic or be run over by some idiot in a SUV.

By noon, the sun had been out for a while and all the snow was gone from the roads. I went home to finish the day telecommuting. I looked out my window as the roads in the neighborhood cleared and dried. It was hard but managed to wait till almost four o'clock before logging off the work computer.

I took Maria, my 2004 1150RT since it was still in the high 30s in terms of temperatures. I went off to the usual nearby picture spots but those resulted in mediocre shots. The sky was heavily overcast by now and the wind was gusting noticeably.

Here's a couple of shots that turned out marginally acceptable. Still, a ride is a ride, got in almost 30 miles and went home because it was dinner time.

A view of the Front Range

Some nasty clouds to the north

I would have preferred it to be still sunny while out riding, and the sun did peek out for a couple of minutes, still...can't really complain, can I?

Hope you got some riding in today.

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