Friday, March 27, 2009

Snow day filler - Scariest Roads in the US?

While perusing the BMWMOA discussion forum's new postings, came across on that was titled: "Are You Scared". Naturally it got my attention and it turned out to be a link to Forbes' "America's Scariest Drives" online article.

I reviewed them all and my reaction is that all but one look like great rides for a motorcycle. I even have ridden one, the Leadville to Aspen road via Independence Pass, more than once and it's not scary but actually quite a lovely ride. Most recent ride: LINK and my first ride through the pass: LINK.

From my first ride to Independence Pass

Here's the link to the Forbes Article: America's Scariest Drives.

Just goes to show, what could be really neat rides for seasoned motorcyclists is turned into "deadly rides" to the average cager simply by using the right verbage and adjectives. Still, if it keeps the cagers off these cool riding roads, it's all good.

There was only one on the list that would "scare" me, that's the I-15 Expressway:

From the Forbes article

We've got our own version of the above interchange here in Denver, it's nicknamed the "mousetrap" and is a confusing confluence of several slabs. Like the interchange above, I believe the dangerous part is confused drivers going at high speed, making last second lane changes in order to catch some exit.

The above photos of the mousetrap I found on google. What a nice search tool it is, saves a bunch of time when documenting postings.

I don't think I'll get a ride in today, about a couple of inches of snow on the ground overnight, makes all my snow clearing efforts from yesterday afternoon seem for nought.

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