Friday, August 28, 2009

Chicken Soup & a Ride, are good for what ails ya.....

I've been fighting, and mostly losing, a battle with some virus I believe I picked up while working at the airport and having to walk amongst the clueless crowds amidst my taskings.

The symptoms are flu-like but thankfully little to no fever. Lots of nasal drainage, irritation of the throat and vocal chords (couldn't really speak Tuesday or Wednesday), sinus headache...the works. I am sure I was a joy to be around but there was work to be done. I did however, forgo the customary sloppy kisses exchanged by the happy folks at the airlines. Right.

So, against that background, my daily commute riding was the only moments of pain free experience as I concentrated instead on surviving the commute. Here's where wearing a flip-up helmet comes in handy boys and girls, when your about to cough up a nasty clot of phlegm just flip the front part of your helmet up, turn to the right, expectorate forcefully and watch that nasty bit of slime be whisked away in the airstream; return helmet to riding position and continue.

Oh, make sure you don't have a cager behind you when you do this, they might be annoyed.

So, to the title of my post. I missed riding on Wednesday, just too sick, and the day was slipping away today as I looked up from the computer and realized that sunset was approaching. After heating up some chicken soup, my loving wife and sons were away at a neighborhood concert event (thinking they'd give me some peace and quiet) so I geared up and rode off towards the east after some nice chicken soup.

The sun was still a bit high in the sky so I just rode around a bit, enjoying the cool breeze at 78°F of the evening. Traffic was only bad around the Southlands Malls area and I did not linger long there anyways. Soon enough, I was back at the same spot I shot the previous sunset pictures of Brigitta by:

I really like how this one turned out, really must remember to take the side cases off for the shot

I like how Brigitta's outline is hinted at....

So, to those who follow the advice of making a little chicken soup for someone who's ailing....might a recommend also the addition of a short ride on ones motorcycle of choice? Works for me.

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