Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Ride to the Hardware Store

After dinner tonight, I set off for the hardware store to pick up a couple of items. I decided to take a small detour down past the mall and headed east on East County Line Road to see what I could see.

Temperatures were in the mid 80s and not much in the way of clouds. The rolling plains to the east of the Denver Metro Area were nicely green and you could see farm animals and even what looked like antelope grazing in the distances.

I turned around as usual shortly after hitting the end of the paved road. Now the sun was in my eyes but it was also lighting things up in a golden color to the east, behind me.

I stopped Brigitta on top of a rise and give you this shot of the eastern plains:

Looking east along East County Line Road

A few more miles westward, I stopped and posed Brigitta by this big cluster of sun flowers that I'd spotted on the way out:

The sun had been going down as I did all this riding and as I got closer to my home neighborhoods it was painting a very nice picture of the mountains and Denver:

I next went into sunset shooting mode, trying to silouette Brigitta against the sunset. Many pictures later, at varying exposures and shutter speeds; along with some retouching from, this was the best one of the bunch:

I finally made it to the hardware store, got my stuff, heading home in the twilight. The sky to the was a dark red as the sun finally deigned to dip behind the mountains.

Hope you got some riding in!

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