Sunday, August 23, 2009

Riding Two Up with Miles

On a whim, this morning I tried putting my spare helmet on Miles, my recently turned 10 year old son. It fit him pretty good, I was surprised to find, and so the idea of a short ride with my son developed speed.

Pretty soon he had my spare summer mesh riding jacket on, a bit long but the armor was in the right spots. Jeans with scooter kneepads and summer gloves completed his ATGATT ensemble.

I got my own gear on and off we went. Miles started off riding by holding onto my waist. We went along a few miles like this and all was going well.

I made a stop and asked if he wanted to try using the grab bars....he did and off we went again, with him apparently leaning back onto the topcase. We took the long way home and I called ahead to my wife as we got near the house. She was outside, ready with the camera as I entered the cul-de-sac and circled around a few times.

So, Miles' first ride was a success even though the temperatures were a bit warm. Both of us were slight sweaty from the heat but big smiles were all around.

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