Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Miles and Natasha at Red Rocks Park

Since I am currently in between jobs, it worked out that I had four workdays off between leaving my UAL contract and starting work at DISH Networks this coming Monday; and my #2 son is tracked off of school (year-round schooling here from K-5th grade), we decided to go for a ride.

This would the be "shakedown" ride for Natasha since all the repairs and such from the weekend. I'll tell you now, she did great!

Nothing broke, engine ran fine but Miles got a little car sick. I don't think he's used to being in the sidecar for long periods, hopefully it was because of the windy conditions we encountered most of the day.

We left the house a bit after 8:30 AM and were in Red Rocks Park near Morrison, CO at around 10 AM. (we stopped briefly to get Miles some ibuprofen for his headache).

Here's some shots of the two of them as we wandered about the park. There was very little traffic, it being the middle of the week.

Short tunnel leading to the upper parking lot

One of my favorite rock formations at the park. Note the loose gravel parking lot, it was nothing for Natasha to traverse! Easy.

A tired Miles, he went up and down the amphitheater steps (69 rows), twice, because he forgot his count the first time!

The ramp leading up the amphitheater, that was enough exercise for me!

The view as you leave the park through Entrance #3

Miles admiring the view

The Amphitheater

Rock formation on the way to the Amphitheater

Natasha in one of the graveled parking lots

We left Red Rocks near 11:30 AM and transited through Morrison on the way east towards Denver. Lunch was at the Colonel's, the KFC colonel that is. Afterwards it was city streets over to a motorcycle accessories place where we got a real motorcycle helmet for Miles and Patrick to wear. They'd been wearing their ski helmets till now, this will be safer.

Got home a little after 1:00 PM, we removed the windshield from the sidecar as it sits really close to the passenger and I think was contributing to buffeting felt by Miles. We also removed the tarp cover for now as it gets in the way of the passenger sometimes. Then, we removed the windshield and side wings from the fairing, leaving only the center plate. You'll see what I mean in the next posting.

Why? It's warm! Need air hitting me on these rides! It'll all go back on, hopefully easily, when the first snows arrive or it turns really cold.

Great first long ride for my #2 son and I. He and I had a good time.

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