Thursday, September 24, 2009

My loving wife's first sidecar ride

One of the several reasons I got a sidecar rig was to be able to take along one of my family members along for the ride. My two sons have been having a blast while we go on errand runs to the auto parts store or the hardware store.

Today after work, I took #1 son to the auto parts store, then for a ride that included his middle school. #2 son of course had to get a ride as well, I took him along to try and capture the sunset since his ride was way after dinner.

We got home shortly after the sun set and it was twilight. I poked my head into the house and saw my loving wife sitting on the couch. I said: "Last chance for a ride!". She thought it over for all of two nanoseconds I think then jumped up to get ready.

A few minutes later, we were ready to hit the road. #2 son took several pictures, here's one that came out decent. More in the future, I am sure.

We went for a short hop through the neighborhood and exited onto Smoky Hill Road near the public library. We were home soon enough and she said she had a good time, two thumbs up!

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