Friday, September 25, 2009

Running the Ural out of gas, on purpose

Natasha, my 1996 Ural Sportsman Sidecar Motorcycle, comes with a 5 gallon tank according to the online manual I found for a 1998 model. She's also designed to get about 30 mpg, do the math, that works out to a max range of 150 miles.

To prove out this important range detail for myself, I'd been carrying about a half gallon of gas in a spare gas container stored in the sidecar's trunk. I was over 200 km on the tripmeter this afternoon when I took Natasha out for a spin after working at the airport. This was, by the way, my last day of work at the airport! I've found new work, and am going to start as a contract-to-hire for DISH Networks at the Meridian Business Center south of Denver.

I rode over to the DTC or Denver Tech Center to turn in my Cendant Data Center badge since I would no longer require access to the UAL portions of that facility. On the way there, Natasha started sputtering and losing power at around 225 km on the tripmeter. Aha, I said to myself, got to switch to reserve! I did so, while moving slowly in traffic and a few seconds later I was rewarded with a return of power at the engine.

I did my paperwork at the data center and headed south to check the Honda dealer for some mirrors, none to be hand. I want some with longer stems to get better views behind me.

I left the dealer and just wandered around the Centennial Airport area trying to run Natasha out of gas. This was to see how long I could go in terms of kilometers or miles before the reserve ran out.

Centennial Airport's Control Tower

I wandered for quite a bit actually, in fact, she did not start sputtering until I was close to my new work location near Peoria Street and E-470. I managed to chug my way into one of the employee parking spots! Hah! I looked into the tank and I could see the metal bottom (with some disturbing calcium appearing growths scattered about) with no gas swishing about as I rocked the motorcycle. I was out.

Natasha made it all the way to 266 Km before running out. I think I could have made it to 270 but will use 260 Km as my max range and 225 for when I should be thinking of turning the gas petcock to reserve. That works out to hitting reserve at 139.5 miles and a max range of 161.5 miles.

I know, not as good as Brigitta my R80 which regularly gets 40 mph, but then again she weights 532 lbs dry, Natasha weighs 700lbs dry, not to mention the 70-80 lbs of ballast additional in the sidecar. Makes a difference!

Just one more step towards getting to know Natasha. I am debating whether to continue carrying the spare gas can in the trunk (which has breathing holes) or mounting it outside the sidecar.

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