Saturday, September 19, 2009

More pictures from Maria and Natasha's Swap Day

Phil, Natasha's former owner, took some pictures of his own while traveling here with Natasha and his wife Sharon and their two labrador retrievers.

Here's Natasha's trip from Oklahoma using Phil's pictures. Thanks Phil!

Natasha leaving Phil's Shop

At the border of her new home state

You've already seen pictures of the actual swap: LINK Here's a couple shots of yours truly, taken by Phil:

My last shot as Maria's owner

Done deal

Phil and Sharon then drove Maria out of my life, but hopefully not for good. Both parties expressed a desire to keep in touch. Phil and Sharon said they'd check in on Natasha via the blog; we told them to send us pictures of their future travels with Maria.

Here's a couple of shots of Maria as she made her way to her new home in Oklahoma:

Maria leaving her old home state

Entering her new home state

Resting sedately from her long trailer ride, her new digs seem quite spacious!

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