Friday, October 31, 2008

Dish Farm

Another beautifully warm Fall day here in Colorado. After a long week of network issues/cat herding and assorted outages; everyone was taking off a bit earlier than usual from the data center to try and get this week over with.

I left work at 1500hrs and instead of just heading straight home, I meandered my way to the south metro area known as Meridian Business Center. Basically a business park with wide roads and new looking buildings housing such local giants as Echostar, Teletech and countless office buildings.

I did spot this Satellite Dish Farm while wandering about and here you can see Brigitta with the farm in the background.

Not much else to report just a ride home which took about 30 miles longer than usual and allowed me to enjoy the warm sunshine and cool breezes sweeping through the Denver Metro area today. Hope you had a chance to ride.

EOM Mileage Notes:
Brigitta: 66,229
Maria: 62,339

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