Monday, October 6, 2008

Sometimes, its worth it to not take the motorcycle

I've been to the Garden of the Gods park near Colorado Springs many times on my motorcycle. Being all geared up, it never crossed my mind to wander very far from my motorcycle as I sought to pose her with large and interesting rock formations in the background.

Last weekend, my family and I took the cage down to Colorado Springs to both see the US Olympic Training Center located there and have lunch at the Garden of the Gods. This was the first time I'd caged it to the garden and I must say it was an enjoyable and different experience.

I was able to wander paths closed to vehicles with my family and take pictures of the same rock formations I'd photographed from vehicle-accessible roads that circumnavigate the park. Different angles rendered interesting and different views.

The boys enjoyed clambering over the smaller rock formations that did not have signs banning climbing and managed to do it without getting hurt. It was all good.

Afterwards, I took them to one of my favorite rides, the South Platte River road near Deckers and we looked at the large boulders in the river. We even clambered up some gravelly slopes towards some larger boulders which have yet to roll down into the river.

We didn't get home till after dark but I believe a good time was had by all. Caging it on routes I usually travel on by motorcycle was different, not as bad as I thought it'd be.

One thing that amused me and my wife is I'd keep saying stuff like: "ok, now we should be coming up shortly on a landmark", whatever landmark it was, we would not reach it shortly but some time later....apparently I move faster on a motorcycle! : )

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